Thursday, December 13, 2012

Change in Location

Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that the Christmas Performance will be held in the auditorium of the high school this year instead of out in the commons area.  I will be out in the hall to meet you all and take the girls back stage. Thanks

Christmas Performance Information


When:  This Saturday the 15th at Noon
Where: Bear River High School
Please arrive NO LATER than 11:30.  We will be in the dancer waiting area which is to the right of the stage if you are facing the stage.  They will have it blocked off by petitions.
I like to run each team through the dances, but if people are late we won't get that chance.
Makeup:  Cheeks (blush) and lips are a must. All else is up to you.
11 am  and 4pm - Curly Ponytail. If hair is short, just wear it down and curly. Hairpiece on left side.
5pm - 1/2 pulled up, curly.  Headband
6pm - messy bun behind left ear.  If hair is short, wear is down and curly or in regular style.
**Please have your name on everything, including your shoes.
It is really easy to get things mixed up.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Christmas Performance - December 15th at 12 pm at the Bear River High School.  You will need to arrive at 11:30.  I will give out a sheet with details about hair, makeup, what to bring, etc. next week.

Donations - don't forget your pj's, books, or paper pajamas are due to Emily by the 15th.

Class - Last day of class for December is the 17TH (MONDAY) OR 20tTH (THURSDAY).  We will start up again on January 7th (Monday) or 10th (Thursday) - Tuition will be due that day for January.



6 pm - Perfect Christmas (Slow xmas)

I filmed this slow so that the doubly part was doable.  I will fix music for next week class.  It will be good to practice it slow because if you can do it slow you can do it fast :)

6pm - Changes to the Dance for Christmas

5pm - Kids in America ( not Christmas)

6pm - Some Nights (not Christmas)

5pm - Out Cross Step

We have been working hard on this step. If your child can't do it, have her work with this video...till she can :)

5pm - Mountain Goat

We have not learned this yet.  I just wanted to put it on while I was filming.

5pm - Kids in America

5pm Christmas (kids in america)

4pm clogging - christmas

4 pm Jazz - I want to be a Rockette

11 am CLogg - Santa Claus is Coming to Town

6 pm - Perfect Christmas

4 pm clogging - I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

5pm clogging - Deck the halls

11 am Jazz - I like to Move It

11 am Clogging - Santa Claus is Coming

11 am - PB and JELLY (not Christmas)

6pm - double jumps to donkey stomps

11 am Clogging Music - PB and JELLY

11 am Jazz Music - I like to Move It

5pm music - Kids in America

4 pm Jazz Music - I want to be a Rockette