Monday, November 19, 2012


On the right side bar of the blog you will see a survey I am taking of parents to see what feelings are about the Lagoon Competition.  First of all - PLEASE STUDENTS DON"T VOTE, LET YOUR PARENTS.
Here are some things to think about:

I have always loved to go to this competition, however, this year I am informed that on top of competition fees to compete, you will need to pay $10.00 a person to walk on to the park.  I know a lot of you use the discount ride tickets at this time. Still, this is still cheap compared to how much we spend going to sporting events for our kids and compared to Jazz which costs 3 times the amount as clogging to register.  I am pretty torn about what to do, so I would like your opinions.  There are other competitions we could go to.  The Pocatello one is ran by my old clogging teacher, but is only 2 weeks after Thanksgiving Point.  There is one in Salt Lake that I have taken older teams to in the past.  It is held at the end of April.  So parents, cast your vote, I would love to hear.

Warm-up orders are due to me by Monday the 26th.  Thanks!
Christmas Performance:  Saturday, December 15th at 12 pm.  You will need to arrive no later than 11:30.


Just a reminder that during the week of Thanksgiving, I will be having class on Monday the 19th.  There will be no classes on the day of Thanksgiving :)

Happy Eating!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I will be putting the final order for costumes in on Friday.  All money is due by then or you will need to pay the shipping it takes to get your costume here.  I am sending out emails today as well as letters in the mail about the costumes. Most of you have paid your $40.00 deposit, but the remaining balance is what is now due (remember I said it would be due the first week of November :) )  They all look really cute and I can't wait to have them finished and try them on.

6pm Nov 1st teaching

Everything Shuffle :)

Singles, Doubles, Triples, shuffle jump, Double cross
Everyone can work on these :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012