Friday, December 10, 2010

Hanna K. Acapella 12/7

2nd and 3rd step.  Almost done.

Starz Acapella 12/7

Up on the housetop

Jenna and Em

Okay, so I messed up on the new part.  Here is just the new part. :)

Christmas Performance

This Saturday, the 11th is our Christmas Recital 
at the Honeyville LDS Church.  It will start at 11 am.  
The kids are so excited to perform.  
There will be a bunch of yummy cookies to eat at the end.  
Yum!! Hope to see you there. 

Jenna and Ems Xmas Dance

Hey Jen, I finally got this working.  Hope it helps for tommorow.  There is one change we need to do in order to do the dance with Christmas Music.  I explain it at the first.  Call if you have any questions.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Championship Team 11/16

Here is the new footwork ladies!!!

Hanna K. Acapella

1st Count of 8.

Starz 11/16

Dance from down up down till the end

Juniors 11/16

Captain jack from the ripple to the end

Junior Team 11/16

Acapella for Xmas Performance!!! SHHH! Don't tell the name :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Christmas Performance

So, the vote is in, and we will be having a very low key Christmas performance. Here is the info:
            Gotta Dance Christmas Recital
                        Sat Dec 11th
                             11 am
 It should be lots of fun. The kids will be dancing to Christmas music and each team is  preparing something special for the parents.  See ya there!

Championship Team 11/9

Here is the order of the dance.

Show solo
counts 1234 (out in out up)
New Sequence that starts with stomp(r) Jump together....till hop double kick flap step step.
(This is the run on sequence that doesn't really end at 8, if that makes sense)
Then it goes
scuff up
roll out (L)
Cross toe step (double jump out cross da da da da out in up gu gu hu gu)
Doubly step from last year
step heel click, 2 pull back step

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Seniors 11/9

This is not the whole dance, just the new stuff after the chorus.

Juniors 11/9

Here is the dance with new stuff. :)

Starz 11/9 New stuff

This is a video of the new stuff alone w/o the whole dance.

Starz 11/9

Then dance with what we learned this week on it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


By the start of next week start looking for the solos on this blogg. Just look for your child's level, then either choose teaching or watch with music.

Seniors 11/2

Ice Ice baby for this week!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Championship Team 11/2

Championship line solo - What we did today!!! Good luck!!!

Juniors 11/2

Here is the new step we taught this week. Remember it is done in two groups.
Group 1 - Katie, Emily, Chelysse, Alyssa
Group 2 - Abby, Dylan, Anna

Juniors 11/2

This is the dance with music. Remember the ripples. What count are you on?

Starz Class 11/2

Another Week! Anna is showing the ripples at the first !!
Back row is down on 12, front on 34.
Back row is up on 56, front on 78. SUPERMAN POSE :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mini Miss 10/26

This is your clogging dance. Sorry, I filmed it without shoes! Next week I will put shoes on.

Seniors 10/26

Juniors Class 10/26

Here ya go !

Starz Class 10/26

What we did this week!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Seniors 10/19

Teaching of Ice Ice baby! No music.

Seniors 10/19

Ice Ice baby to music!

Championship Team 10/19

New footwork!! I know you can do it !

Friday, October 1, 2010

Don't know what class your child is in. Here is a list!

Mini Miss





Friday, September 10, 2010

New Year

Yeah! I am so excited to start teaching again. I have a lot of fun things planned! Classes are a bit different this time around. I tried to place your student in the class he/she would feel the most successful in. Please let me know if you feel it should be different. Each week I will post your childs class on this blogg so he/she can practice at home.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thanks everyone for a great year! Hopefully we will see you in the fall. I am already working on really fun stuff! As soon as I get the solo DVD's I will start filming and post them when they are ready! Have a great summer!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Lagoon is just around the corner! Lets all hope for no rain this year. If it is raining, I am bringing my irrigating boots and a really big umbrella!!! Here are some dates I thought you all might want to know!!

May 8th - Lagoon
Let me know if you want discount passes for the family

May 11th - Team pictures. All students will come at the same time this year. No
formal classes held that night. I will tell you the location soon :)

May 18th - last night of dance

May 21st - Dance recital 6:30pm Invite your friends and family, it should be a good!

I can hardly believe this dance year is just about over :(

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cool Song

Next years dance song right? It's in Korean, with a bit of English!
These guys can dance!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I hope you have a great day
and that you don't get pinched!
Wear lots of green!

Love, Emily

Thanksgiving Point--Juniors

Thanksgiving Point--Seniors

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feb 23rd - Senior Class Country Roads

Here is the whole dance. I tried to get all of you most of the time. I will try and get the show solo posted tommorow night. Sorry about Sadie's hand at the first.
Keep up the good work and GREAT SOUNDS!

Feb 23 - Junior Class Second Half

Keep up the good work guys. Remember to smile and have fun, even when you mess up!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb 23 - Junior Class 1st group

We all got a little nervous about filming, so there are more mistakes then usual. Just watch yourself and see where you can improve. :)

Monday, February 22, 2010


I was just thinking about class tommorow. Chalisse and Jamie, make sure you have freestyle stuff to show me. Also, remember that we replaced a step in country roads with the woodpecker. (after the scuff up gallop up part, replacing the four scuff ups before the singles in the box) C/ya all tommorow. Only two weeks to Thanksgiving point.

We will be filming tommorow, so be ready :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

More Acapella

Here is the third step to acapella. Chalisse, this is your last one to learn. Julie, you will actually repeat this step twice for the 3rd and 4th counts of 8. Jenna, this will be your 3rd count of 8 and then you will repeat the first step for your 4th count of 8. GOOD LUCK :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feb 16th - senior class ripplle worked on

Remember to hold count 7 at the end. Watch Jenna at end to see

Thursday, February 4, 2010

All That clogging group

These boys are good and make it look fun. I wish young boys could see this so they would want to clog.

Feb 2 Senior Advanced solo line

This solo is in the dance, please learn it.
Line solo wthou music

line solo with music

Feb 2 Senior Ripple + new step

Heres what we did this week

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Southern Belles Clogging

I have heard of these girls, but didn't know they were on TV. They are awesome. Fun video to watch.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jan 26th Senior Acapella

Here is the second count of 8 for Chelisse and Jenna.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan 19th Senior Acapella

Just remember that Julie and Chalisse are learing the same steps for this first count of 8. Make the runs hard so you can hear them

Jan 19 Senior New Ripple

Here is the new ripple we learned today in class. All of you got it pretty close, but watch Julie if you have questions on the step, I think she got the whole step right.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fab 5 Cloggers

These are some of my friends that were on America's Got Talent. This is clogging at its best.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 19th Senior Country

This isn't perfect, but will let you know the steps and what order they come in. Thanks girls for filming :) Please make sure you know this dance well.

Jan 12th Class

Here is the first half of the jump routine that we worked on today in class.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Up and Runnin'

Okay Kids. The Blogg is finally up and running thanks to my great friend Julie. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will be able to start posting videos of what we learned in class. Happy Clogging!